Dilara Findikoglu had an incredible summer, dressing A-list celebrities like Margot Robbie, Kylie Jenner, Zendaya, and Cardi B in her designs. Her most iconic piece, the “Joan’s Knives” dress, made its debut on the red carpet and magazine covers. With a strong following on social media and a recent nomination for a fashion award, she seemed on the verge of becoming more widely recognized.
However, just days before London Fashion Week, Findikoglu made the difficult decision to cancel her runway show. In a Zoom call, she explained that financial constraints forced her to prioritize the stability of her business. She realized that going ahead with the show in a halfhearted manner would not be worth the sacrifices she had made.
Findikoglu is not alone in her struggles as an independent designer in the current fashion landscape. Many designers face challenges, especially with conglomerates dominating the industry. Brexit and the pandemic have made the situation even more difficult for London designers.
Despite the challenges, Findikoglu has always been willing to challenge the norm. She has staged shows in unconventional locations and uses her designs to explore themes of anger, sex, feminism, emancipation, and history. While her work may be provocative, it also empowers women.
Moving forward, Findikoglu has been considering new creative paths. She wants to focus on bringing more joy to her work and exploring different avenues, like swimwear and jewelry. She also wants to make her designs more accessible and part of people’s everyday lives. Although she enjoys seeing her creations on the red carpet and in magazines, she is ready to shift her focus from the demands of the fashion industry to the happiness and sustainability of her business.