A new documentary on David Beckham is currently streaming on Netflix. The four-part series, titled “Beckham,” explores the former midfielder’s journey to stardom in football. Interviews with his wife, Victoria, and other famous figures provide insights into their lives and relationship. The documentary highlights various significant moments, including the infamous boot incident when Beckham’s manager, Sir Alex Ferguson, kicked a boot at him during an argument. It is revealed that the boot belonged to Beckham’s former teammate, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. The incident occurred after Manchester United lost an FA Cup match to Arsenal. The documentary also delves into the strain on Beckham’s relationship with Sir Alex and how his rising celebrity status affected their dynamic. Additionally, David and Victoria discuss the impact of allegations regarding his alleged affair with his former personal assistant, Rebecca Loos. Victoria admits that it was the most difficult period in their marriage and affected her deeply. However, both David and Victoria express their commitment to fighting for their relationship and family. The couple also shares details about Victoria’s announcement of her first pregnancy with David, which occurred the night before his England team played against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup.