HomeScienceWhat happened when a rock as big as London hit Earth?

What happened when a rock as big as London hit Earth?

Getty Images Artwork of an asteroid hitting earth
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The meteorite was 40-60km in diameter and left a crater 500km across

A huge meteorite first discovered in 2014 caused a tsunami bigger than any in known human history and boiled the oceans, scientists have discovered.

The space rock, which was 200 times the size of the one that wiped out the dinosaurs, smashed into Earth when our planet was in its infancy three billion years ago.

Carrying sledge hammers, scientists hiked to the impact site in South Africa to chisel off chunks of rock to understand the crash.

The team also found evidence that massive asteroid impacts did not bring only destruction to Earth – they helped early life thrive.

Nadja Drabon Nadja and her colleagues went to the Eastern Barberton Greenstone Belt in South Africa to collect rock samples
Nadja Drabon

Nadja and her colleagues went to the Eastern Barberton Greenstone Belt in South Africa to collect rock samples

The impact site in Eastern Barberton Greenbelt is one of the oldest places on Earth with remnants of a meteorite crash.

Prof Drabon travelled there three times with her colleagues, driving as far as possible into the remote mountains before hiking the rest of the way with backpacks.

Rangers accompanied them with machine guns to protect them against wild animals like elephants or rhinos, or even poachers in the national park.

They were looking for spherule particles, or tiny fragments of rock, left behind by impact. Using sledge hammers, they collected hundreds of kilograms of rock and took them back to labs for analysis.

Prof Drabon stowed the most precious pieces in her luggage.

“I usually get stopped by security, but I give them a big spiel about how exciting the science is and then they get really bored and let me through,” she says.