HomePoliticsAfghan resettlement scheme letting down families two years after Taliban takeover, think...

Afghan resettlement scheme letting down families two years after Taliban takeover, think tank says | UK News

Many Afghan families in the UK have been disappointed by the government’s handling of their resettlement, according to a report from think tank More In Common. The think tank acknowledged some success in resettling refugees following the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan two years ago, but highlighted failings in areas such as housing, funding, and integration. The government’s “Operation Warm Welcome” initiative, launched this year, promised support to Afghan arrivals in rebuilding their lives and integrating into their communities. However, many refugees remain in hotels and were given an August deadline to find alternative housing, raising concerns of homelessness. The report emphasized the need for better communication, suitable accommodation offers, and support in finding employment, among other areas. Veterans minister Johnny Mercer admitted that there have been difficulties and acknowledged that improvements could have been made. The government spokesperson stated that they are working closely with local authorities and NGOs to speed up the resettlement process for Afghan refugees.